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Chevrolet 4500HG LCF For Sale in Lexington, SC

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  • 2024 Chevrolet 4500HG LCF

    4X2 4dr 110.0 in. BBC Non-Tilt Cab 150-176 in. WB
  • 2024 Chevrolet 4500HG LCF

    4X2 4dr 110.0 in. BBC Non-Tilt Cab 150-176 in. WB
  • Page 1 of 1

Herndon Chevrolet is not responsible for any price discrepancies, statements of condition, or incorrect equipment listed on any vehicle. Car may have minor road chips, light scratches, wheel scuffs, etc. Depending on the age of the vehicle, normal wear and tear should be anticipated. We may or may not have all the keys and floor mats. We will be happy to obtain extra ones for you at our dealer cost. Unless the vehicle has a remaining factory warranty, all sales are "AS-IS" with no warranty. Excludes tax, tag, registration and title and includes $298.00 closing fees. It is a charge that is permitted but not required by law and is filed with the S.C. Department of Consumer Affairs. The full cash price charged at any dealership depends on many factors, including all products and services bought with the vehicle.

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